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lungDx Technology and ILD: Download Our White Paper Now!

August 6th, 2024

"Improperly treated ILD is associated with a poorer quality of life, an increased risk of life-threatening complications and early mortality."

This white paper provides a comprehensive overview of the pathogenesis of interstitial lung disease, its diagnosis and monitoring, and available treatment options. We also describe existing remote monitoring platforms for ILD, evidence for their effectiveness and present a case for the use of our own remote monitoring platform to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of ILD.

Compiled by the electronRx team and leading clinical expertise from the NHS.

electronRx has compiled this white paper to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges surrounding interstitial lung disease (ILD) monitoring, treatment and diagnosis.


Inside, we provide a blueprint for transforming our treatment options for patients with interstitial ILD, including the role of digital health technology in facilitating this and securing the sustainability of our healthcare systems.


Contents of the white paper:
- Pathogenesis of ILD

- Subtypes of ILD

- Diagnosing ILD
- Diagnostic pathway
- Diagnostic findings

- Treatment options for ILD (Pharmacological &


- Companies working in the ILD space
- Monitoring of ILD
- Typical ILD patient journey
- Remote monitoring platforms for ILD
- lungDx technology and ILD

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